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Modern warfare is, in a sense, an ephemeral and little-known concept. On the one hand, this has been talked about for a long time. Many countries even officially announce the development of new paradigms and algorithms for warfare. Military academies are also introducing officer training courses incorporating the new army philosophy. But, few people can draw a specific framework and theses that…

Jun 21, 2022 | 02:26 am

Pistol optics buyer’s guide. Laser sights and grips, their classification, and method of installation. Miniature red dot…

May 24, 2022 | 09:05 am

What is a scout rifle? Checklist criteria for a scout rifle. Main benefits and reasons to own a scout…

May 17, 2022 | 08:45 am

What do scope numbers mean? How does the scope work? Possible symbols in the marking of scope and their detailed…

May 10, 2022 | 08:11 am

How to use a mil dot reticle scope for range finding? What’s a mil-dot reticle and features of his work? How to do calculations and use mil…

May 03, 2022 | 07:37 am