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Observation thermal devices provide bear-country campers with the ability to quickly scan their surrounding landscape and check for any bears in the immediate area.…

Remington Little Dec 18, 2023 | 09:07 am

How to choose a thermal rifle scope? The principle of operation of a thermal imaging sight and options for its use. Description of the best models of their main characteristics and additional features. Criteria for choosing a thermal imaging sight. Popular…

Mar 14, 2020 | 12:23 am

Reliability, quality, centuries-old tradition, comfort, performance, the ability to identify and apply new technologies, to fight for markets without losing quality at absolutely democratic prices: all this is the Beretta product. A company that has made itself working for us. Every Beretta rifle and pistol is not just a question of mechanical perfection, balance, and reliability. It is also the…

Aug 24, 2022 | 08:55 am

Individuals make history. Colt never served in the army, but the governor of Connecticut awarded him the title of 'provisional' colonel for his electoral support. Colt was expelled from college for allegedly starting a fire during chemical experiments. While working as a deckhand on a merchant brig, he saw the ship's rudder being turned and the anchor chain being recoiled and modeled the drum of…

Aug 17, 2022 | 08:41 am