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Digital day and night vision optics are designed for round-the-clock operation in any ambient light. Digital devices have an advanced high-resolution sensor which provides full-color clarity during the day and classic black-and-white viewing at night. The devices support multiple display modes, and you can set day mode, night mode, defog mode, or auto mode according to the scene.
Many buyers have difficulties in choosing the optimal model of digital optics. This is due to the large number of types of device, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. All these devices are intended for a certain category of users and help them cope with tasks of varying complexity.
Among the many types of digital optics, the simplest and most inexpensive is the monocular. It is ideal for people with little financial resources, as well as ordinary users who buy the first such device for themselves. The Digital Monocular is the most compact piece of equipment that can be used for hundreds of jobs. Most often, with its help, they track down prey while hunting, observe the territory during military exercises, guard various objects and do many other things.
Digital monoculars have a standard operating principle. In it, the main role is played by a CCD sensor, as well as an electronic unit that performs digital image processing. Thanks to this, it becomes the highest quality and detail. The prepared image is displayed on the display built into the eyepiece. If desired, the user has the opportunity not only to monitor, but also to record everything in the device's memory (just like on a smartphone, video camera). Such data is also often stored on a removable memory card compatible with any modern gadgets.
Digital monoculars have a lot of hidden features. One of the most useful is the presence of a built-in rangefinder. With it, the user can find out the approximate distance to the object being inspected. Almost always, this information will be important, and with its help it will be possible to simplify the implementation of the task. Among the shortcomings of such devices, one should single out only the need for observation with one eye and an insufficiently long battery life.
In addition to digital monoculars for the daytime, there are similar models for the night. In this case, the optics are supplemented with special light amplifiers, as well as an active or passive IR emitter. Such devices will be indispensable for lovers of night hunting, speleologists, wildlife conservationists, travelers, as well as people doing various work in the dark.
Digital binoculars are a good alternative to the classic models of this optics. Outwardly, they practically do not differ from each other, but in terms of their capabilities they are significantly superior to their predecessors. Such devices are equally often used day and night. Due to their ease of use, they are actively bought not only for professional use, but also for personal purposes.
Binoculars of this type have the same design as digital monoculars. The only difference is the presence of two lenses and eyepieces for better performance and ease of use. The identity of the design deprives the operating principle of the binoculars of any unique steps. At the beginning of the process, the device collects light. The CCD sensor captures all the collected data, after which a digital copy of the observed area is formed. This is done with the help of complex electronic filling. The finished image is displayed on the display built into the eyepieces. In some models, the latter can be combined and made in the form of one large screen, to view which you do not need to bring the optics close to your eyes.
Digital binoculars have a number of notable advantages over other similar devices. They are more compact than classic binoculars and are extremely comfortable to use. The image displayed on the screen is always very high quality, so users can see every detail on it. Among other positive aspects, a wide functionality immediately catches the eye. Depending on the purpose of the device, it can allow you to shoot video, determine the location, communicate with other equipment via Wi-Fi, determine the distance to the object, and much more. Also, detailed adjustment of optics will not become a problem for the user. The presence of all these advantages does not make digital binoculars excessively expensive. In most cases, they are cheaper than classic models. It is very difficult to find the disadvantages of digital optics. In binoculars, the most vulnerable point is often called the rapid consumption of battery power.
The military, security guards, hunters and people who want to protect their property from robbers are actively buying gun sights. Among them, models from the Digital category are especially popular. They are more versatile and functional than classic weapon sights designed for day or night use. The principle of operation of such optics is to convert the collected light into a digital image. This happens thanks to a special electronic system and a CCD sensor. Their joint work allows you to see a real picture of the area being examined on the screen of the sight in a few fractions of a second. The latter is combined with the eyepiece of the device, so users who are accustomed to classic sights will have no problem adapting to more modern optics.
Unlike standard scopes, digital ones can be installed on absolutely any weapon. This was made possible due to their ability to withstand almost any shock load. All modern digital models are more compact than their competitors. This makes it possible to comfortably use them without fear of overloading the weapon. Another important advantage is the increased zoom. With digital models, it is almost always more than 10x. At the same time, for standard sights of these data, the indicator rarely exceeds 4x (with similar dimensions). For the convenience of the shooters, the reticle is displayed on the display. Its position is adjusted only once, after which it is in the right place each time the shooter activates the optics. The color and configuration of the reticle can be quickly changed to your liking, which cannot be done in classic scopes. The latter also will not be able to give the user dozens of useful functions (for example, video recording, displaying various information on the screen, adjusting brightness, etc.) that digital devices have.
Clip-on systems using digital technologies have appeared only 10 years ago. Most users immediately liked them, so they began to be actively produced by various optics manufacturers. Each company has developed its own unique models, which increased competition in the market and made it possible to quickly take several steps forward in the development of this area. Now clip-on systems are actively used in combination with different devices. So they can be installed on an ordinary weapon sight, binoculars, monocular. This makes clip-on models extremely popular with hunters, security guards, the military, scientists and many other professions.
Digital clip-on systems are not much different from other similar optics. Their design consists of four main elements, which include a lens, a CCD sensor, an electronics unit and a screen. The lens collects light from the surrounding area. Next comes the CCD sensor, which captures the values of each pixel. The resulting image is processed in the electronics unit, after which it is displayed on the screen of the device.
Clip-on devices designed for night use are unique in that most of them can be mounted directly on the eyepiece of any daytime optic. This eliminates the need to purchase separate NVDs, which are expensive and can be difficult to operate. The most useful combination is obtained when using clip-on systems along with conventional sights. So the possibility of using the increase in daytime optics will not disappear. In addition, the user will be able to get rid of the need for additional sighting of weapons (zero will not shift).
Digital clip-on systems have a number of significant advantages over their classical counterparts. They are able to work in almost any lighting conditions, without the risk of damaging structural elements due to excessive or insufficient brightness. Among other positive qualities, there are low cost compared to thermal imaging devices and standard NVDs, good image quality, and good operation over a long period. A bonus for most models is the ability to record video with the possibility of its further viewing on any modern device. The disadvantages in comparison with NV and thermal imaging equipment are less autonomy and the occurrence of image distortions in case of observing dynamic scenes (this problem disappears if the device has a high screen refresh rate).
Digital optics is modern equipment that can be used to perform a variety of jobs. It is very easy to operate and has an affordable price. Thanks to these qualities, DO will be the best option for beginners and professionals, as well as for people with different financial capabilities.
Digital optics (DO) is new compared to day & night vision devices equipped with classic amplifiers. It is rapidly gaining popularity and is being actively implemented in various fields of activity. With its help, you will be able to quickly cope with the tasks and achieve success in any business.
The principle of operation of digital devices is very different from that used in classical NV devices. In the design of the latter, there is such an element as an amplifying tube. With its help, photons are converted into electrons. Those, in turn, pass through a special microchannel plate, where they are repeatedly amplified and accelerated. This feature contributes to a rapid increase in the number of electrons and an increase in the brightness of the image displayed on the screen. Digital devices work differently. There is no amplifying tube in their design, but there is a highly sensitive CCD sensor. It includes a huge number of microscopic pixels that collect all the light captured by the device. At the next stage, this sensor fixes the value for all pixels, after which it forms the final image based on the received data. It is displayed on the display of a digital device, which, in most cases, is combined with an eyepiece. This allows the user to see the image in the same way as in the case of using classical optics.
The choice of any device from the DO category is impossible without comparing the considered models with analogues of NVDs. Therefore, it is important to understand in advance all the positive and negative differences between digital models and classical ones. The first is much more than the second, so many experts consider digital optics to be more advanced.