This product is not exportable outside the United States.

By adding this item to cart, you agree and acknowledge the Export Policy and confirm that you are a person in the United States with no intentions to illegally export the device.


Dealer Sales


By downloading these materials you are agreeing to review and adhere to the standards outlined in the Corporate Brand Standards Document linked below. AGM Global Vision reserves the right to deny usage of these materials at any time for any reason. 

AGM Logo (.zip 3mb) 


These materials may not be reproduced except for private personal non-commercial use by individual users and may not be distributed publicly, archived or otherwise used in any medium whatsoever except with prior express written permission of AGM Global Vision. 

All Images, Specifications & User Guides of AGM devices (.zip 500mb) 

All Promotional photos and videos (.zip 30mb) 

AGM Global Vision is a rising leader in the night vision and thermal technology industry, and is recognized and respected by professionals and enthusiasts alike. With over 65 years of combined experience, the AGM Global Vision team has contributed to several industry-leading companies in the electro-optics field. We are looking to partner with strategic and professional accounts within the industry, specifically users, influencers and professionals that are versed in night vision and thermal technology. Our goal is to provide unmatched quality of goods and customer / dealer support. For all inquiries please email or contact +1.928.333.4300.


    MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) Policy Introduction


AGM Global Vision is a rising leader in Night Vision, Thermal Imaging and Electro-Optics. We recognize that our dealers and authorized resellers invest time and resources to deliver an extraordinary customer experience through knowledgeable staff and compelling vendor presentation. To support our Resellers efforts, AGM wishes to establish policies that allow Resellers to earn the profits necessary to maintain the highest level of customer excellence. To protect the investment of our high-quality Resellers and AGM's brand reputation, we have unilaterally adopted a MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE POLICY ("MAP Policy"). AGM established this MAP Policy due to the fact that Reseller advertising and sales practices that promote AGM products primarily on the basis of price could be detrimental to Resellers service and support efforts. Such activities can be harmful to AGM's brand, reputation and competitiveness, and allow some Resellers to take advantage of the service and support of others. AGM believes that these practices are unfair and thus discourages such efforts AGM, in its unilateral discretion, will not do business with any Reseller, as to the products covered by this MAP Policy, if that Reseller intentionally advertises and MAP Product below its MAP. AGM is confident that this program will strengthen its competitiveness and benefit all its Resellers.

    Policy Statement

AGM Global Vision, in its sole discretion reserves the right to discontinue doing business with any Reseller that advertises any product(s) covered by this MAP Policy at a price lower than the MAP.


    General Guidelines

AGM recognizes that Resellers are free to make their own decisions to advertise and sell any AGM product at any price they chose, without consulting or advising AGM. Similarly, AGM will exercise its right to make its own decision regarding the AGM Authorized Reseller Program supplemental marketing materials, point-of-purchase displays, product allocation, new product availability, or future promotional, joint marketing, or sponsorship programs.

The MAP Policy applies to advertised prices, not the price at which MAP Products are actually sold or offered for sale to an individual in-store or over the telephone.


    Advertising Guidelines


The MAP Policy applies to all advertisements of MAP Products in any and all media, including but not limited to flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, television, radio, and public signage, as well as Internet sites, social media sites, apps, or any other electronic media.

The MAP Policy does not apply to solely on premises or in-store advertising that is not distributed to customers.

Website features such as "click for price", automated "bounce back" pricing e-mails, pre-formatted e-mail responses, forms, and automatic price display for any items prior to being placed in a customer's shopping cart, and other similar features are considered to be communications initiated by the Reseller (rather than by the customer) and thereby constitute "advertising" under this MAP Policy.

It shall not be a violation of this MAP Policy to advertise that a customer may "call for price" or "email for price", or to use similar language, specifically with respect to AGM Products, so long as no price is listed.

It shall not be a violation of this MAP Policy to advertise in general that the Reseller has "lowest prices" or will match or beat its competitors' prices, or to use similar phrases; so long as the Reseller does not include any advertised price below the MAP and otherwise complies with this MAP Policy.

From time to time, AGM may permit Resellers to advertise MAP Products at prices lower than the MAP. In such events, AGM reserves the right to modify or suspend the MAP with respect to the affected products for a specified period of time by providing advance notice to all Resellers of such changes.

From time to time AGM may offer a direct manufacturer's rebate to customers. In such events, it shall not be a violation of this MAP Policy to advertise the availability of manufacturers rebate, provided that: the advertisement includes a MAP-compliant price, the rebate amount, and the net price after manufacturer's rebate in the same type size and style; an asterisk is placed next to the net price after manufacturers rebate; and "after manufacturer's rebate" appears in the same area of the advertisement as the advertised product.


    Policy Enforcement


If a Reseller with multiple store locations violates this MAP Policy at any one store location, or on any associated website, then AGM will consider this to be a violation of the Reseller as a whole.

The MAP Policy will be enforced by AGM in its sole discretion and without notice. AGM neither solicits or will it accept any assurance of compliance with the MAP Policy from any Reseller or other party. This MAP Policy is not negotiable and will not be altered for any individual Reseller. All questions related to this MAP Policy should be directed to:


    Transactional Export Compliance Information

The U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls regulate our products. Due to this we kindly request that you read the below paragraphs regarding export regulations. If you should have any questions or require additional information regarding export regulations please contact our knowledgeable and experienced staff or contact the:


   U.S. Department of Commerce                       U.S. Department of State

   Bureau of Industry and Security                      Directorate of Defense Trade Controls

   Office of Exporter Services                              Response Team

   PH (202) 482-4811                                          PH (202) 663-1282

   Website:                      Website:


We thank you for your cooperation in helping us safeguard against illegal exportation of AGM Global Vision products.


    Export Regulations!

Export of night vision equipment and optical sighting equipment (including user manuals) is controlled by the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, in accordance with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Title 22, and Code of Federal Regulations Part 120-130 or the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations Part 730-774.


Some of this equipment may require a license for export or reexport from the United States. Any export of equipment by AGM Global Vision, LLC to a purchaser outside of the United States will be made in strict compliance with U.S. export control laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.

It is the purchaser’s responsibility to request and obtain any required export licenses for the subsequent export or reexport of the subject items, and to ensure that the requirements of all applicable laws, regulations and administrative policies are met. In addition, subsequent transfers of any AGM Global Vision products to individuals or entities on the List of Debarred Parties, Denied Persons List, Specially Designated Nationals List, Entity List, or Nonproliferation Sanctions list, as well as sales or transfers to Embargoed Countries, are strictly prohibited. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to be aware of these Lists, websites for which are attached to this form.


    Export Acknowledgement Compliance Form

    1. I understand that all of the products obtained from AGM Global Vision are subject to U.S. Government export control laws and regulations and that they fall under the control jurisdiction of either the Department of State or the Department of Commerce.

    2. I understand that it is unlawful to export, or attempt to export or otherwise transfer or sell any hardware or technical data or furnish any service to any foreign person, whether abroad or in the United States without first obtaining any required license or written approval.

    3. I understand that, for purposes of U.S. export control compliance, a foreign person means any natural person who is not a lawful permanent resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20) or who is not a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3). It also means any foreign corporation, business association, partnership, trust, society or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the U.S., as well as international organizations, foreign governments and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments (e.g., diplomatic missions).

    4. I understand that I am responsible for compliance with any and all U.S. Government export controls and regulations and that, if I violate them, it could result upon conviction in severe criminal and civil penalties (including substantial fines, imprisonment, seizure of controlled products and technical data, and/or suspension/removal of export privileges) for my company and me.

    5. I further understand that sales or transfers of any AGM Global Vision products to individuals, entities and countries named in the lists referenced in the Lists of Prohibited Individuals, Entities and Countries are strictly prohibited.

    Lists of Prohibited Individuals, Entities and Countries