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Night Vision Goggles


AGM Global Vision Night Vision Goggles: Technologies and Features

AGM Global Vision night vision goggles are crafted for use with helmets and head mounts, and based on Military-tested designs that have repeatedly stood up to harsh and changing weather conditions, rough terrain, marine and jungle environments, and even combat situations.

Our goggles are equipped with the highest-quality image intensifier tubes, from Gen 2 to Gen 3, and can support single or double viewfinders. We understand the importance of user agility, comfort, and control:

  • Durable, long-lasting, lightweight housing made of aircraft aluminum alloy
  • Hands-free operation with head-, helmet-, and tripod-mountability

Our night vision goggles use light amplification technology to collect the ambient light in the environment, such as moonlight or starlight, to artificially source infrared illumination via the device’s objectives lenses. This light energy is made of photons, which are converted into electrical energy, or electrons, via the photocathode tube. Using internal electrical and chemical processes to amplify the number of electrons hitting the device’s phosphor screen, this reaction produces a visible image in near to total darkness.

AGM Global Vision always strives to use the latest available technologies to develop our night vision goggles, providing superior performance when it matters most.

Our Night Vision Goggles

We offer a wide range of night vision goggles, with features like:

  • IP 65 protection
  • High-grade aluminum alloy casing
  • Head or helmet-mountable for hands-free usage
  • Dual mini rails for transitioning quickly between the head and helmet mount
  • High-light cut-off
  • Integrated IR Illuminator
  • Compact and rugged design
  • Ergonomic, easy-to-operate controls
  • Three-year Warranty

Our catalogue of cutting-edge night vision goggles is diverse and always growing. Night vision technologies continue to evolve, and the tactical needs of law enforcement, security, military, and hunting experts will follow suit. We work to build night vision devices that are tough, compact, convenient, and adaptable enough to support the most demanding organizations and experts.

AGM Global Vision: Advanced Devices for Tactical Professionals

All AGM Global Vision night vision goggles are built to handle any scenario, giving you the confidence you need to feel secure, agile, and in control. Because our night vision goggles are waterproof, head and helmet-mountable, weather-resistant, and compatible with a variety of weapons, cameras, and tripods, they’re always a top choice for professionals who rely on night vision technology to reveal their nighttime surroundings.

Ultimate guide
to night vision goggles.

Now, we will dwell in more detail on the most important breakthrough in military science - night vision technology. The technology allowed us to see, and therefore, to act productively, in an impenetrable night. We will try to give the maximum, ultimate, and complete guide to using the most ergonomic and convenient device for identifying objects in the dark - night vision goggles.

How do night vision goggles work?

Before moving on to discussing the types of night vision equipment and night-vision goggles directly, as one of the most convenient and practical devices, let's understand a little in the theoretical part. What is night vision, and what is its mechanism?

The ability to see objects in the dark is scientifically called scotopic vision. It consists of the interaction of the human body's physiological and neurological processes, which allow us to distinguish objects in low light. Visually, this is displayed in the retina and the pupil's reaction, which can be observed from the side.

At the same time, you can notice a change in the pupil's diameter, due to which our body regulates the amount of incoming light flux and allows us to adapt vision to different conditions. You can even feel it by turning on bright lights in a dark room. Experiencing a little discomfort from this, you can be sure that at this moment, your eyes and brain are in a hurry to switch to another mode of perception of visible information.

Visual demonstration is readily observed in cats. When there is a lack of light, the pupil dilates, allowing more light to pass through it. With good lighting, this is not necessary, and the pupil narrows. True, unlike cats, our eyes are not so sensitive; therefore, at dusk, we cannot compete even with such domestic and fluffy predators.

And it's not just about the capabilities of the pupils. We have rod-shaped and cone-shaped cells responsible for processing light signals. In fact, these cells are shaped like cones and rods and are responsible for registering the received signals — cones - designed for the perception of fine details, colors, and bright light. But as soon as evening comes, they lose these powers.

But, rods are just good at the perception of peripheral vision and are much more sensitive to photons of light. Without them, for us turning off the light would immediately turn into a total blackout. But, the perception of color is their kryptonite, so night landscapes usually look monochrome to us.

Because of all these facts, we are turning from leaders in the evolutionary race to outsiders when it comes to night vision. That is why it is tough for us to navigate in the dark. And to adapt even a little to such conditions, our eyes have to get used to the darkness, and it will take quite a long amount of time. How big is it? Five to eight minutes for you to feel better. And forty minutes to maximize the adaptation effect. This is confirmed by medical research, for example, "Webvision: The Organization of the Retina and Visual System".

To us, of course, there is a certain excuse. Man is a daytime creature. That is why nocturnal animals have a rainbow covering behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum. Due to it, such representatives of the animal world have a characteristic shine in the eyes and much better navigation opportunities in the dark.

If you consider such a disposition to be unfair, then we will confirm your opinion. Indeed, cats, dogs, and wolves, but even cows and horses have tapetum lucidum. And humanity definitely needed to do something about it. Thanks to science, we got night vision technology, the pinnacle of which was the night vision goggles.

This is the most comfortable, ergonomic, and adaptive device that literally replaces our eyes for us. The special construction of two elements enhances our modest vision while completely immersing the observer in the night world picture. A variety of attachment options allow you to fully feel like a nocturnal predator because your hands are free, and it is so easy to merge with the feeling of superpower.

What are night vision goggles?

Light is made up of photons of different colors, which are essentially particles of light. Once in the night vision goggles, these photons reach a light-sensitive surface called the photocathode.

The photocathode, according to the principle of its operation, is somewhat similar to solar panels. Just like the panel, this mechanism converts photons into electrons. On the other hand, electrons are tiny subatomic particles whose key feature is the ability to carry electricity around a circuit.

But, their charge is insufficient. Therefore, in the future, they pass through the photomultiplier, which is a photocell. Its operation principle is simple: the number of electrons entering the photomultiplier multiplies at the output.

After that, a huge amount of electrons rush to the phosphor screen, where they create tiny flashes of light. The principle of operation is very similar to the principle of operation of old tube TVs. The processes are similar - at the output, there are many more photons than at the input. The result is a much brighter image than what we see without light amplification.

This is all an entertaining theory. In practice, everything is quite simple. Despite the many variants of devices and patents based on which they are collected, such devices, for the most part, have identical design solutions and a similar design. In this design, the image amplification system described by us with a photocathode and a photomultiplier is central and basic. Even though it is the foundation of a complex mechanism, night vision goggles have other components, without which you will not get the desired result.

The sophisticated design will not allow you to see at night without the objective lens on the side facing the subject. It is the primary instrument that records light signals. The focusing mechanism concentrates light particles, the collimator narrows, and straightens the rays. The mirror system helps to direct them without wasting power. Due to voltage regulators and batteries, electronics are powered, without which it is impossible to amplify signals.

This whole symphony of modern technology gives us a unique opportunity to see in conditions in which we have no chance to see anything with night vision goggles' help.

The sphere of night vision goggles application.

Like many other unique scientific solutions that we use in everyday life today, night vision technology was presented to us by the military. And, today, modern life cannot be imagined without the ability to see in low-light conditions.

Naturally, the main field of application of the night vision goggles was and remained the military cluster. The ability to conduct surveillance equally effective, regardless of the time of day and weather conditions, is an incredible tactical advantage. Television cameras and night vision goggles have become permanent companions of all types of troops.

The sentries, equipped with night vision devices, received a view that did not differ from the daytime one at any time of the day. The same devices installed on drones made it possible to identify the enemy more correctly. Ground vehicles today have no limits on the visual determination of the situation on the battlefield. In general, all this leads to the humanization of the war and decreased casualties among the civilian population.

It is quite natural that the second area where night vision equipment is in demand is civilian life associated with weapons circulation. First of all, we are talking about hunters. Everything is obvious here. Despite the misconception about human superiority at the expense of weapons, this is far from the case. Hunting is an art and a game in which a person has no privileges. And only today, modern technologies have made it possible to play this game on a parity basis. Thus, both hunting for recreational purposes and sanitary measures related to animals' shooting have become completely unrelated to the time of day. Moreover, thanks to this new invention, the very culture of hunting has expanded, giving rise to new horizons for this ancient occupation.

Our daily life also becomes much safer. It is difficult to imagine a surveillance camera now without night vision capability. You even have the opportunity to install such equipment at home, and it will not be expensive. The security sector cannot be imagined without such devices. They are used everywhere and are beneficial every day.

Similarly, every day, emergency services are saving thousands of lives with technology. The search for the injured in human-made disasters now depends not only on the keen hearing of rescuers and the narrow beam of a flashlight. Search work in large areas is now not limited by anything. The symbiosis of technology saves people in trouble. Thanks to drones, hundreds of acres are being explored many times faster than volunteers. And thanks to night vision, this inspection does not stop for a second.

Well, it's hard not to recall science either. It also received a significant boost with the development of night vision capabilities. Observation of nocturnal animals by naturalists made it possible to make many important discoveries that allowed us to know the world around us much better. Fans of watching birds and other fauna were literally blessed with the appearance on the market of affordable household night vision goggles.

Only fantasy can limit ideas for applying this magical technology. And the fact that such devices become better and cheaper over time adds a special optimism.

Types of night vision goggles.

Above, we have described in detail the mechanism and capabilities of night vision goggles. The essence of night vision remains the same, regardless of the shape and size of the device. The selection framework here can only be set in price, form, and specification.

The main thing is that you have to understand what kind of night vision device you need. Suppose we have already sorted out the devices working on the principle of amplifying the light signal. So, it is worth dwelling in more detail on devices that display the differences in thermal modes.

This is the second option not to become blind in the dark of the night. Such devices register the thermal radiation of objects and transmit the image in a contrasting image of thermal signatures. In general, they are less informative than night vision goggles, which enhance light, but they also have several advantages. For example, they are more informative under bad weather conditions. And the scope of their application in everyday life is much wider. But, it all depends only on your goals.

So the night vision goggles is a device with two tubes from the side of the observer. Thanks to them, you get maximum visibility and immersion in the observation location. In this case, the tubes can record information autonomously, transmitting a unified image, and concentrate on one image receiving tube while relaying it to both eyes. The difference in design does not affect the quality of the final image.

What affects the image is the generation and degree of possible magnification of night vision goggles. There are four main generations of night vision today. At the same time, the I and IV generations are practically not represented on the market. The first generation is outdated and has no practical value. You can also purchase a primitive children's designer that will allow you to assemble such a device at home. But, more than an entertainment purpose, he will not have. The fourth generation is costly due to the complexity of creation and innovative technologies. The military is testing it, and shortly, it is unlikely to be available for free sale.

Generation II and III – your choice.
Practical and common, they have the widest range and a huge number of options. Finding the option you want will not be a problem, especially if you use the services of a trusted and reliable manufacturer like AGM Global Vision.
The type of device you need should also have an optimal balance of image magnification and image quality. The more you zoom in on the subject, the more the final image's quality can drop. Finding an option that will give high magnifications while maintaining acceptable quality is difficult but possible.

How to choose and buy night vision goggles?

Despite the seeming complexity of this issue, everything is effortless. To correctly choose and buy night vision goggles, you need to understand what you need.

The wealth of today's marketplace can easily turn any shopper's head. Therefore, at the first stage, after you understand that you definitely need night vision goggles, try to abstract from advertisements and manufacturers' promises. And clearly understand what you are going to do with this equipment and how to use it. A single goal often drives a customer, which will lead to disappointment in the future.

Today you want a device for night hunting. Or, suddenly, you will become a fan of night hikes in the mountains? The temptation to use such amazing equipment for a variety of purposes will appear anyway. And it will be better to take it into account before purchasing .


The second important aspect, dependent on the first, is the correct estimation of the device generation you need. Do not assume that more expensive and new necessarily means better. Price isn't always a sign that this is what you want.

Due to the design's complexity, let's not forget that night vision goggles are a costly device. And just buying the most expensive device is not the smartest move, even if you can afford it. As we said, it all depends on your goals. Perhaps you need a second-generation device with a small approximation, or maybe you need the latest third generation modification for a thousand dollars more - every case is individual. Most importantly, remember that you will not be using a price tag but a device. And he should fulfill his functions and bring pleasure, and not make you regret the lost profit.

When you have answered these basic questions, attend to utilitarian questions. How will you use night vision goggles? The set of equipment and additional options for your device depends on this. And they are not cheap, and there are many of them. On the other hand, optional extras can dramatically increase the capabilities of the base device. Therefore, it is worth calculating not only the primary costs but also the upcoming costs.

New or used night vision: what's the difference?

We have already talked about the difficulties you will face in the process of thoughtfully and judiciously choosing new night-vision goggles. So, if you decide to buy equipment on the secondary market, feel free to double the number of difficulties and pitfalls that will await you.

There is no problem finding used night vision equipment on the internet. But, we advise you to start your search not with the choice of device options but with the seller's choice. Since then, you have to ask questions, and there will be really a lot of these questions.

How many hours was the equipment used, and how many resources did it have? Are the lenses scratched or damaged? Are the circuits and mounting hardware in order? Is the device an original product, or is it a fake, and if it is a fake, in what nodes? Is there buyer protection, and how long can they provide? And this is just the first list of questions that you will start a conversation with.

You can brush our advice aside. And even say that you can not be reinsured because the Internet is full of ads for refurbished night vision goggles directly from the manufacturer. And it's true and looks like a fair deal. And that would be just wonderful if it were true. Unfortunately, websites that advertise the sale of such wonderful and cheap devices are, more often than not ordinary fraudulent resources. Low prices, an abundance of photographs, photo boxes, and documentation - all this attracts those who want to save a couple of hundred. But, in fact, all that you get will be big fat nothing. Manufacturers are not interested in restoring complex equipment that works as a single mechanism: too much cost and labor. Simultaneously, the profitability is too low, and the risk of repeated breakdown is increased. It's easier not to get involved in such a business. Although we will not argue - you may be lucky, but it looks like a lottery. In general, if you see very cheap refurbished night vision goggles with no money-back guarantee - better pass by.

Therefore, the best place to buy used equipment, and here we will not reveal any secret, is eBay. On this site, at least there is a chance that you will communicate with the real owner of the desired device, who decided to get rid of unnecessary things.
Potentially, such a dialogue will help you answer as many questions as possible. This, of course, does not replace the warranty of a trusted manufacturer, but it can give you an acceptable option and a couple of hundred saved money. In general, it's safe to say that if you are thinking about what to choose, new or used night vision, the answer will be obvious. Buying used equipment, any sophisticated equipment, is a game of Russian roulette. You are more likely to be disappointed and lose your money. And expensive things should bring pleasure, not disappointment. Therefore, weigh everything before making a decision.

Night vision googles mounting options.

We have already mentioned that night vision goggles have an incredible number of options and possibilities. After you become the happy owner of this device, you will have other, more specific requests. And the main one will be the issue of purchasing a high-quality and reliable mounting system.

When you have the desired device in your hands, you will fully feel its weight and fragility. Then, you will fully realize how important it is to fix the night vision device properly. Regardless of where and for how much you purchased the device, you must understand that you will have more than one thousand dollars on your head. Which will easily turn into a heap of garbage from any careless movement.

Night vision goggles come in a wide variety of species. If you have enough money, you can even purchase a model with four tubes, giving a complete picture of the observed location, including peripheral zones. This is a heavy and costly piece of equipment that must be kept safe.

Therefore, you have four main options for installing night vision goggles.
  • The first option is to attach the device to the helmet. This is the most obvious and convenient option. Especially if you are using a device for military operations or operational actions, where every second's price is too high, it is no secret that this is the adequate mounting option for the military. Don't believe us? So, look at any action hero or video game. Everything is very logical - the night vision device is attached to the helmet, which is easily modified for such an improvement. Simultaneously, the helmet protects the head and allows you to quickly and organically switch your vision to night mode.
  • The second option is almost identical to the first. The difference is that there is no helmet in this equation. Accordingly, the device is fixed with a skull/face mount. The principle of use and all the advantages remain the same, but due to its compactness, it is the obvious choice if your use of night vision does not require head protection. The essence of both options is in a reliable and balanced mount of the device. Balance is crucial here. Since the weight of the device must be compensated for ergonomics. This is especially true for skull mounting systems.
  • The third way to use a night vision device is to mount the device on a stationary stand. And, the best stand is the tripod. It's lightweight, mobile, and incredibly functional. The only problem is that it is only productive to use such a structure when you are in an equipped position. When driving, you will have to take the night vision device in hand.
  • And this is the fourth way to use the device. Just holding it in your hands. You yourself understand that this is not very convenient. Especially if you are not using a monocular whose shape and weight are specially designed for comfortable use in the hands. In other cases, the device will require your hands and attention. And, as you know, it can cost you dearly on a hunt or in a fight.
Training with night vision.

The fact is that the gifts that science gives us, in their essence, are often unnatural. Modern titanium mechanical prostheses, virtual reality technology, night vision goggles - all these things are unnatural and unusual for our body and brain.

First of all, remember, nothing prevents you from training yourself. You can purchase a preparation guide, guidelines, and instructions. This way, you will save money, but at the same time, gain new skills and experience. Besides, no one canceled the video tutorials. The main tip is that the more you use the equipment, the more you get used to it.

Also, making the night vision device an integral part of your outfit makes yourself a small drills.

It should include the following exercises:
Put it on and walk. Yes, at first, even walking with the device is a test. Therefore, you need to adapt your NVG as much as possible that will sometimes replace your eyes. Because, the first thing you will feel when you first put on night vision goggles is discomfort.
Practice with your weapon. Do whatever you do in normal use of your gun: reload, move, shoot. This is an essential part of your preparation and should be automatic.
Try driving with a night vision device; it will help you get used to certain spatial distortions that you will feel at first.
During preparation, simulate the maximum authenticity to the conditions in which you will use the device. Combine your equipment, practice quick installation, and its assembly and disassembly.

If you want to spend money and get results, look for training courses. But, search carefully to avoid scams. Reviews will best determine it. And not just reviews. Choose courses that partner with local police departments. This is at least some kind of guarantee of the quality and professionalism of the instructors.

In any case, remember - the main thing in any business is experience. Use any opportunity you can to practice your skills and practice.

Maintenance of night vision goggles.

Probably the most important rule for caring for a night vision device is - don't neglect the instruction. It contains a lot of useful information and specifications for a specific device.

Plus, these complex mechanisms can contain hazardous chemicals that can harm not only you but your children as well. Also, the instruction manuals contain tips and limitations for a particular model.

Understanding the basic principles of work is also the way to a long service life of your device. If you understand why the device is called a night vision device, you are unlikely to have the idea to turn it on during the day or direct it to bright light sources.

Remember, that this equipment is a complex symbiosis of technological solutions and jewelry work, and dozens of competent people have worked on it. Respect their work and do not seek to spoil it. Leave the work of specialists to specialists.

One of the most important device elements is the lens. It is very delicate and covered with a special coating. The touch of a finger can be fatal for her. Not to mention touching with dirty and oily cloth or, even worse, scratches and scuffs. The optics of the device require careful maintenance with special means.

It is vital to remove batteries from equipment when you do not intend to use it. This must be done under normal conditions and should not be performed in high humidity conditions. In general, most NV devices' problems are connected with humidity - they are terrified of it.

Also, pay particular attention to battery voltage.

The same goes for caring. Even if you need to rinse off dirt and clean the case, do so with a cloth dampened in distilled water. Do not forget to dry the equipment thoroughly after cleaning, and ideally, take the money and purchase a special set for the care of the device. And in any case, do not use ordinary cleaners and abrasives - the results will be the saddest.

Before long-term storage, remove the batteries so that they won't corrode inside the device, carefully pack the device. And place it in a safe place away from direct sunlight, excessive humidity, and high temperature.


Our story about night vision goggles is quite long. But, there is nothing wrong here because it is impossible to reveal all the nuances even in the largest article in the case of such incredible technology. Therefore, let's raise a few questions in a short conversation format. And, at the same time, let's break a few myths.

At what distance can you see an object with night vision goggles?

It would seem that this is a simple question, but the answer to it is not so simple.

The distance at which you can recognize an object will vary depending on several conditions. Do you remember the principle on which night vision devices work? This is the principle of amplifying the light signal. Accordingly, to see something, you need at least minimal light. And, say, if the night is moonlit, then the picture's quality will be better for you — also, technology matters. Gen3 devices will give you much better recognition ranges than Gen2 devices.

Also, it is worth remembering that there are special-purpose devices. For example, special binoculars designed for long distances predictably give you much better results than night vision goggles, emphasizing peripheral vision.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the question is also not entirely correct. So, under ideal conditions, you will distinguish a person from a distance of 300 yards. But, you can only determine whether it is a man or a woman from 150 yards.

Is it possible to see photographs with images taken from night vision devices?

The correct answer will be more likely no than yes for the same reason that taking a photo of a monitor doesn't capture the beauty of a video game's graphics.

What you get when you try to take a photo will be far from reality. Besides, night vision goggles are such complex mechanisms that they have their own personality. Due to the peculiarities of the symbiosis of various parts, all of them give a result that, in small things, will be different in each copy.

Therefore, when you see examples of night vision devices working on the Internet, these are edited photos or a day photo with a filter that simulates night shooting.

How do civilian night vision goggles differ from the military?

A good question that everyone often asks themselves. The first difference is technology. The military is testing advanced designs and is equipped with the best examples of the third generation. The fourth generation is just now actively used in the field, and it is a matter of time before it appears on the free market.

It is only natural that the army has the best. When not only your life but also the nation's safety depends on you, you must be better equipped than the heroes of action movies. And it's great that it is so.

The second difference is that even the third generation is better in the military. Devices of the same class in the civilian segment are available for less than ten thousand dollars, while military options start at twenty thousand. But, the result will be fantastic in both cases.

What is an IR illuminator, and is it needed?

Once again: as you remember, night vision technology is to amplify light. Accordingly, in the case of perfect darkness, night vision goggles will be simply useless. This is why such devices need light sources to amplify them. If there are no such sources, then they can be successfully replaced by an IR illuminator. Its advantage is that you cannot see it with the naked eye (although, in night vision, you will glow like a beacon), but it will give you enough resources for the correct operation of the equipment.

Moreover, if you own a first-generation NV device, you will already have an IR illuminator in your kit. This is due to the weakness of outdated equipment. In the next generations, whose power is many times greater, you will often do without infrared light. But, at the same time, we strongly advise you to have such an option in your arsenal.

How durable are night vision goggles?

Let's imagine that they are made of very fragile glass. If you proceed from this paradigm, your device will last longer.

Devices, any device, very complex and fragile due to their design. Manufacturers do everything to ensure that they are durable and protected in the most vulnerable places. But, no matter what kind of guarantee the manufacturer gives and how strong they are on paper, the probability of breaking it remains high. So don't ask this question, be careful. The rest is Russian roulette.

What documents do you need to buy a night vision device?

It is quite logical that after our story, you will have any additional questions. One of which will be: is it even legal to own devices that are more like superpowers?

Yes, legal. Moreover, you can purchase night vision goggles completely legally. You don't need any special permission. You don't need to be law enforcement or military officer. You can easily become the owner of this amazing equipment. Moreover, this applies to all generations and almost all modifications.

The only thing to keep in mind and with which you may have huge problems is export.

The fact is that from the point of view of US law, night vision devices are precision items, the distribution of which is strictly controlled and falls under the International Arms Trade Regulations (ITAR) .

According to this document: “The export of the goods described in this document is strictly prohibited without a valid export license issued by the US Department of State's Office of Defense Trade Controls as provided in the International Arms Trade Regulations (ITAR), Title 22 CFR Part 120-130. "

Concerning US law, this means that you can buy and take out of the country night vision goggles only if you have received an export license issued by the US Department of State's Office of Defense Trade Control.

Breaking these rules is considered a federal crime and can lead you straight to federal prison. Moreover, it doesn't matter if you are a civilian or a military man; you are still responsible. And here, it doesn't matter if you are trying to sell the device or go on vacation with it. You will bear responsibility anyway.

Also, non-US citizens are not allowed to purchase third-generation devices and above but even read their manuals and technical documentation.

Everything is logical. American scientists and the military's developments are our pride and equipment that helps us secure our country. They belong to the nation, and only citizens have the right to access them. This is fair, and let's respect these norms of the law.

Night vision goggles are not just equipment or an extension of your hunting gear. This is a complex device in your hands, which our fathers could not even imagine. It can open up new horizons for you and give you new opportunities.

Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of becoming the owner of such a device and enjoy a completely new view of the world.