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Feb 04, 2024 | 03:42 pm 353 0

Modern video surveillance systems for the home. The role of night vision home cameras.

Modern video surveillance systems for the home. The role of night vision home cameras.

One of the main problems of modern man is the presence of a constant feeling of anxiety. Every day, we worry about our relatives, worry about the safety of bank deposits, are afraid of problems at work, and always remember the potential danger to our own homes. To reduce your anxiety a little, you can get home video surveillance systems. They will allow you always to control the situation and eliminate many worries. The critical element of such systems is cameras with night vision functions. They allow you to obtain high-quality images inside and outside the house, even in low-light conditions. What else do these devices do, and why can you not do without them today? You will learn from our review.

Why do you need video surveillance systems for your home?

Homeowners often spend a lot of time considering buying a video surveillance system. Doubts arise due to the considerable cost of the equipment and the cost of additional funds for its installation. However, calculating the total cost will be much lower than the potential losses from fires, floods, vandalism, or burglars. In this regard, a video surveillance system is recommended for every homeowner. With its help, you can solve many problems aimed at improving the life of each family member.

The critical task of any video surveillance system is to organize the safety of all house residents. This can be achieved by installing various equipment and cameras with night vision functions. They make it possible to record multiple troubles promptly and quickly take the necessary measures to improve the situation (for example, NV cameras can detect a criminal trying to break into a house even in poor visibility conditions). The second important task of modern systems is to notify the house's owner about various troubles (flooding, smoke, etc.). The user quickly receives this information, and he has the opportunity to promptly take measures to eliminate the problem (for example, if smoke appears in the camera’s visibility range, the owner of the house receives a corresponding message and can immediately call the fire brigade, regardless of where he is).

In homes where families with children live, modern video surveillance systems enable parents to monitor their son or daughter in real time. This is especially important in cases where children are at home alone and cannot solve problems that arise on their own. Very often, such systems with night cameras are used to monitor the quality of work performed by a hired nanny. Even if she turns off the light, the night vision function will make it possible to record her every action on video. Using the same principle, you can monitor various service personnel and employees performing work in the local area (for example, electricians repairing wiring in your area). Sometimes, homeowners install night vision cameras to monitor various utilities. This makes it possible to assess the condition of such objects at any time and notice the first signs of malfunctions. This approach eliminates the possibility of severe breakdowns and makes it possible to avoid expensive repairs. NV cameras, part of a video surveillance system, will be less valuable in garages and other buildings near the house. With their help, you can monitor your car and other property 24 hours a day, reducing the likelihood of theft or theft.

Types of cameras for video surveillance systems

Based on the principle of image formation

Modern systems are always equipped with three different types of cameras. The most popular option is IR models. These devices can shoot high-quality video even in abysmal visibility. This is made possible through infrared illumination, which is automatically activated in low-light conditions. It allows the camera to generate a visible image and send it to the user. IR models use computer video processing, making their quality close to the standard. The most modern devices add artificial intelligence to the computer system. It improves the picture by eliminating color problems and most of the remaining noise. Cameras with classic night vision are cheaper. It works on the principle of a light amplifier. Using a lens, the device collects all available light (for example, from the lights around the house, from the light of various celestial bodies, etc.). Next, it goes through several stages of processing, due to which it becomes greatly enhanced. The generated image is brighter, making it possible to distinguish all objects within the device’s field of view. Such devices have their pros and cons compared to IR models. They have a more complex design and larger dimensions and require a light source. Despite this, classic night vision cameras are straightforward to disguise and make invisible to others. In addition, they can shoot better video at dusk and in the pre-dawn hours.

Thermal imaging is the third type of home camera equipped with video surveillance systems. These devices capture the thermal energy coming from all heated objects. The received information is processed, and based on it, a heat map of the observed territory is formed. It makes it easy to find even well-camouflaged people and distinguish them from various inanimate objects. The main advantage of such cameras is their ability to work in complete darkness. Thanks to this, their owners do not need to leave a light on in the yard at night or install additional equipment to identify uninvited guests. The disadvantages of thermal imaging cameras include their higher cost than previously described models and the inability to recognize faces. In general, no matter what type of cameras you use, you can monitor your home and surrounding area 24/7. If there is no such option, then the very existence of the video surveillance system will become impractical.

By type of power source used

Corded and battery-powered

Considering the devices in video surveillance systems, we can divide all available models into two groups according to the type of connection used. The first of these includes wired devices, and the second is wireless. Wired models are considered obsolete, so they are rare today. However, they can be helpful for 24/7 monitoring where batteries cannot be replaced or recharged. Despite this feature, wired devices have almost completely replaced wireless cameras, which are more functional and convenient. Data transmission to them is carried out using a Wi-Fi signal. Most often, captured video materials are sent to the user’s computer or smartphone, after which they become available anytime.

All wireless cameras designed for the dark are autonomous. This simplifies the installation process and helps eliminate many other problems. The absence of wires makes the products more compact and allows them to be hidden from prying eyes. Autonomous models use batteries and solar panels as a power source. Each option has strengths and weaknesses, so you must examine them more thoroughly. The most common are battery cameras. They are part of all modern systems designed for indoor video surveillance. They are often used outdoors, but in this case, the devices require additional protection from various external factors (dust and moisture, precipitation) that can damage the batteries or shorten their service life (for example, at low temperatures, batteries discharge faster than at room temperature).

Stand-alone night vision cameras are considered the most convenient, as they can continuously record and save video footage to some portable storage devices. In some cases, data is sent directly to the memory of a computer or smartphone, but this will require special programs and applications, as well as a stable Wi-Fi connection. Storage media complement most modern models, the volume sufficient to save dozens of hours of video recordings. After this, the camera independently erases the oldest material and replaces it with the newly captured material. This recording method requires regular monitoring by the homeowner. Otherwise, you may not have time to save an important file, which will be deleted from the device’s memory. Many autonomous night cameras are supplemented with motion sensors to prevent this from happening. Thanks to them, video recording begins only after any moving objects appear in the visible area of the device. This solution has another critical advantage. It can save battery energy, increasing the camera's battery life several times.

Solar powered

Systems that use solar-powered cameras deserve special attention. These devices are intended for use outdoors, so they are often installed to monitor the local area. Based on the name of such cameras, it is easy to guess that solar energy is used as an energy source. It is generated by equipping devices with solar panels. The latter converts light into direct electric current, which the inverter converts to alternating current. Most modern models have low power consumption. This makes it possible to spend much less energy than can be generated. The stored reserves are enough for the camera to operate continuously at night, which allows for round-the-clock surveillance of the area around the house or individual objects on your site. If solar-powered models did not have such an opportunity, they would stop working at sunset, leaving the local area without video surveillance.

The main advantage of solar-powered devices is their ability to work efficiently even in cloudy weather. This is because the light necessary to generate energy passes even through clouds. At the same time, the performance of the cameras decreases slightly, but this is a manageable obstacle to continuous video surveillance. The ability of solar-powered cameras to operate day and night in all weather conditions opens up new possibilities for users. They are free to choose the location of devices and various auxiliary equipment. Data transfer in such devices is most often carried out using Wi-Fi. Another essential advantage of solar-powered cameras is their efficiency in cold weather. While energy losses in battery-powered models increase as the air temperature drops, they remain at the same level in devices powered by solar energy. It is important to remember that the presence of snow or ice on solar panels will significantly reduce their efficiency. In this regard, owners of such cameras need to clean the working surface of the batteries regularly.


In addition to battery-powered night vision cameras and solar-powered models, there are also hybrid options. These devices are considered universal, as they guarantee continuous video recording over a very long period. Such devices use solar energy during daylight hours and have battery energy reserves at night. Thanks to this feature, manufacturers can minimize the size of solar panels and rid the camera of structural elements responsible for accumulating energy to operate the camera in the dark. The above reduces the device's size and makes its operation easier. In all other respects, hybrid cameras are not much different from standard models. They also use Wi-Fi to transmit data and can trigger video recordings when detecting people or moving objects. Hybrid cameras always have night vision functionality. It makes them more versatile and suitable for indoor and outdoor installation, in outbuildings, and around various objects.

By external signs

Another famous classification of surveillance cameras with night vision function is the division of all devices into groups with standard external features. Here, we distinguish the so-called dome, cylindrical, panoramic, modular, cubic, miniature, and PTZ cameras. Each plays a role in the video surveillance system's operation, so discussing this in more detail is imperative. A night vision function unites all types of cameras, without which you can’t even dream of effectively operating a video surveillance system.

One of the most common is dome-type night vision cameras. They have a body in the form of a hemisphere, which makes it possible to easily camouflage them inside the house or in the area around it. This eliminates a certain discomfort not only for residents but also for their guests. Dome cameras are most often installed in medium- to large-sized rooms. In the first case, they are mounted on the wall, and in the second - on the ceiling. The devices perform many tasks in both versions, from simple video shooting in low visibility to identifying persons in the room. In addition, such devices can be supplemented with other helpful options and a rotating lens, which will further expand their scope of application.

More popular are cylindrical night vision cameras. These devices are not intended for covert surveillance. They have impressive dimensions, explained by a durable protective casing. The latter protects the camera from vandals and prevents moisture and dust from reaching the internal elements. Based on the preceding, such models are ideal for installation in the local area. An essential feature of bullet cameras is their narrow viewing angle. In this regard, using them to monitor particular objects is advisable. They are often the entrance doors to a house, garage, or other buildings. Also, cylindrical cameras can be seen on the outer part of the fence enclosing the adjacent area. In addition to the night vision function, such cameras have other valuable options. They allow you to adapt the entire system to the user's needs.

One of the universal ones is PTZ cameras. These devices make it possible to adjust the viewing direction to the characteristics of a particular room. They are often installed in medium-sized rooms mounted on a wall or ceiling. Both options make it possible to cover most of the room, virtually eliminating the chance of anyone going unnoticed. PTZ cameras have hinges in their design, thanks to which they can easily rotate and change the viewing direction. This rotation can be done manually or automatically. The first option is suitable for cases where you rarely need to make changes to the viewing direction, and the second – often. PTZ-type models can be used indoors and outdoors (for example, near the front door). However, it is necessary to create additional protection for the device from cold and precipitation in this case.

In cases where you need to see at all 360 degrees, panoramic night vision cameras are included in the video surveillance system. They are specific devices used to record video of all events happening around. To do this, a panoramic camera is installed on the ceiling and mounted approximately in the center of the room. There should not be any large lighting fixtures or various decorative elements near it that could block the view. These models are suitable mainly for large rooms. They are rarely used outside the house (because it is difficult to find the right place for installation). Panoramic cameras can use different night vision options (light amplification, IR illumination, thermal imaging) and can be supplemented with other useful options. They are easily integrated into a video surveillance system and become one of its main elements.

When you need to adjust the operation of a night vision camera to the characteristics of a particular room, it is best to use modular models. These devices include several separate modules that are easily removed from the entire structure and, if necessary, replaced with analogs with other characteristics and capabilities. The main modules of such cameras include a lens, an image sensor, and a processor. Changing each listed design element allows the user to access independent components. This simplifies the task in cases where you need to adapt the device for some non-standard operation. In connection with the above, modular cameras often observe individual objects (communication systems). They are also used outside the home, installed near the object of interest.

For covert surveillance, there is nothing better than miniature night vision cameras. They are versatile devices that can be used inside and outside the home. Due to their small size, such cameras are easily camouflaged and invisible to people, which eliminates any discomfort. Due to their compactness, devices of this type often need more capabilities. They can cover only a tiny part of the room or area around the house, so video surveillance systems use many cameras. Almost all modern models have minimal functionality. At the same time, it has a night vision option, without which a camera designed for video surveillance will become useless.

Many people call cubic chambers the most straightforward option. Based on the name, it is easy to guess what shape they have. These devices are installed on a table or shelf and are often decorated to resemble a piece of furniture. Their main task is to record video and audio, making it possible to see the events at home and hear all conversations at any time. In cases where cube cameras are installed to monitor children, they are often supplemented with speakers for two-way communication. This allows parents to communicate with their children and monitor their activities. Such devices are rarely used outdoors. Many cube cameras have a night vision feature. It makes it possible to obtain ideal quality video even in dim light in the room.

Angled night vision cameras are top-rated. They become an essential element of a video surveillance system and help monitor the situation inside the house. These devices fully live up to their name. They have a non-standard shape, thanks to which they are easily installed in the corners of the room. This installation method allows the camera to cover almost the entire room and record any actions taking place in it. Corner models can be used not only in the house but also in the garage or other outbuildings. However, such devices are only suitable for some of the streets. Most of the corner cameras that are used in video surveillance systems have a night vision function. Sometimes, they are equipped with motion sensors and other valuable additions.

Among modern developments in night vision cameras, multi-matrix models are the most suitable for home video surveillance systems. These devices are an improved version of panoramic cameras. It consists of several matrices and lenses, which divide the entire field of view between themselves and provide a higher-quality image. In this case, it is possible to avoid the disadvantages of panoramic cameras and eliminate most defects. Multi-matrix models are widely used only in video surveillance systems for huge houses and vast areas around them. In this regard, they have yet to become super popular, but shortly they may become so. Naturally, these cameras have a night vision function and many other valuable additions. They all allow you to obtain a high-quality picture, regardless of the lighting conditions.

Modern video surveillance systems for the home can only be imagined with cameras with night vision functionality. These initially simple but very useful devices allow round-the-clock monitoring of various objects, the interior of the house, and the surrounding area. Thanks to such cameras, it is possible to monitor the situation in real time or view recordings for any period of interest. Access to such information improves the safety of all occupants and enables the property owner to reduce anxiety. This positively affects many aspects and makes everyone's life more comfortable.

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