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May 09, 2023 | 02:41 pm 2099 0

Hunting in Zimbabwe. Features of night hunting in Africa

Hunting in Zimbabwe. Features of night hunting in Africa

There is a country in southern Africa called Zimbabwe. A vast number of species of animals live on its territory, which hunters from all over the world dream of shooting. In this regard, hunting is the main tourist magnet for foreigners. The such activity becomes most exciting after sunset when the significance of any trophy obtained increases often.

History of Hunting in Zimbabwe

The history of hunting in any country is rooted in the mists of time. Many centuries ago, this occupation was vital, as it gave people food and materials for sewing clothes and creating various tools. Zimbabwe is no exception in this respect. The first positive changes occurred in 1890. Up to this point, the locals hunted solely to provide their families with food. The scale of this occupation was enormous since, in every family, all the men were hunters. However, the availability of the most straightforward and ineffective weapons, such as several people who wanted to kill a wild animal, did not lead to the depletion of natural resources and a sharp decrease in the population of local fauna species.

As mentioned above, significant changes occurred in 1890. This date is considered the beginning of the colonial period in the life of Zimbabwe. In subsequent years, residents were deprived of their lands, thereby introducing a ban on hunting activities. This circumstance led to the development of environmental protection activities, due to which various laws that limited the possibility of hunting in certain areas began to be taught. There were also bans on shooting certain species of animals.

Hunting restrictions for native Zimbabweans did not apply to visiting traders from the US and Europe. These people were armed with high-precision weapons, so they quickly killed many animals. The resulting trophies were taken out of the country and sold for much money. Such a business has upset the balance in the wild in Zimbabwe and throughout Africa. Due to the mass shooting, many species were on the verge of extinction, and the local ecosystem has undergone profound negative changes. A licensing system was introduced a few years later to prevent a catastrophe, which is still in effect today. According to her, not everyone could access the shooting of animals. It also automatically introduced a ban on killing representatives of the fauna, which found themselves in a numerical minority.

Visiting hunters agreed to comply with the introduced laws, but not residents. Because of this, armed conflicts often arose, claiming many lives. Gradually, the situation returned to normal, and in 1960, a law on nature protection was adopted. A few years later, the law on parks and wildlife came into force. According to him, all landowners received many privileges if they followed the rules for wildlife protection. This circumstance almost completely stopped hunting in Zimbabwe. Populations of wild animals began to grow to dangerous proportions, so the country started to control the number of individuals of certain species. This control resulted in the emergence of safaris - licensed hunting for certain animals.

The legal shooting of wild animals helped to normalize the number of individuals of most species and allowed people to take trophies. Trophy hunting itself was legislated in 1980. After that, Zimbabwe became an attractive country for hunters from all over the world. From 1980 to 2000, several million people visited the country, making tourism the main branch of the state's economy. At the beginning of the new millennium in the United States and Europe, conservation organizations actively promoted the idea of a ban on killing animals for entertainment. They succeeded, so many countries introduced restrictions on the import of trophies. This negatively affected the popularity of Zimbabwe as an ideal country for safari. Despite this, the number of those wishing to hunt wild animals remained prominent. The result was the softening of some laws but stricter punishment for their violation.

In parallel, the history of night hunting in Zimbabwe was being written. This occupation became popular at the beginning of the new millennium when various night vision devices began to be actively used not only by the military but also by civilians. Such hunting methods were gradually improved, and the operators organizing safari expanded the range of services provided. The authorities of Zimbabwe were the only obstacle to the development of night hunting. They introduced a ban on killing certain animals at night, which is still in effect today. Thanks to the efforts of local operators and night safari lovers, some restrictions were lifted. This allowed the hunting of animals such as lions, leopards, wild pigs, and other species after sunset.

Legal regulations

In Zimbabwe, day and night hunting is strictly regulated. All activities carried out by hunters must comply with applicable laws. There are many of them, so everyone who goes to Africa with a gun must carefully study every aspect. The territory of Zimbabwe is divided into several areas intended for hunting. Each of them has its legal norms that supplement the general laws. There are many nuances to consider in cases where the traveler plans to hunt at night.

Features of hunting laws in Zimbabwe:

  1. Dozens of operators offer to go on safari in Zimbabwe. They must be officially registered by the local Tourist Board (ZTA). Also, this supervisory authority must license the operator, allowing him to organize hunting activities in the country. It is the presence of this document that proves the fact of the legality of the planned hunt. All licenses issued by ZTA are entered into the local Association of Safari Operators (SOAZ) database. Through its website, the hunter can verify the authenticity of a particular operator's license (by registration number).
  2. Operators organizing hunts must have quotas for the hunting grounds where the scheduled safari will occur. Their absence will automatically make hunting illegal, with all the ensuing negative consequences for its participants.
  3. On the territory of Zimbabwe, only professional hunters can shoot animals. This event is quite complex and requires the hunter to apply certain efforts. Everyone must undergo special licensing and obtain the appropriate document to become such. Also, those wishing to shoot wild animals must obtain a TR2 permit from the local regulatory authorities (often from the ZPWMA). This document is nominal; therefore, in the case of a collective hunt, it will be necessary for each safari participant. To obtain it, you need to fill out the NP/CITES form, which is issued depending on the chosen object of hunting.
  4. The laws of Zimbabwe do not mention the minimum and maximum duration of the hunt. Therefore, discussing this information with the operator organizing the event is essential. The time of the safari depends on the type of animal being hunted. Most often, this hunt takes 7-21 days.

Basic rules and features

Night and day hunting in Zimbabwe are exciting activities. To get the most out of them and avoid problems with the law, you must adhere to several important rules and consider some features.

Essential rules and features:

  1. The main rule of hunters in Zimbabwe is to always have all the documentation with you. This is because local authorities and ZPWMA value the country's natural resources, so that they will check each hunter several times. A severe punishment awaits in the absence of documents of a person engaged in shooting animals.
  2. Hunting at night is allowed only in certain areas (breeding grounds, some private land plots) and only in cases where the object of hunting is a permitted representative of the fauna (for example, bush pig, lion, leopard). If you shoot other animals, the minimum punishment for the hunter will be a hefty fine. During night hunting, it is allowed to use modern optics. Various monoculars, binoculars, and night vision scopes will become indispensable assistants that simplify tracking down wild animals. It is also allowed to use some devices that provide artificial lighting at night.
  3. Hunting for forbidden animals to be shot at night must be carried out between sunrise and sunset. Minor time deviations (30 minutes) are allowed, thanks to which you can start the safari half an hour before dawn and end 30 minutes after sunset. During this period, it is forbidden to use any night vision devices, even in cases where there is poor visibility due to a lack of natural light.
  4. In Zimbabwe, it is strictly forbidden to use any vehicle for hunting. You can only use the cars for a trip to the hunting place. In this regard, the animals must be pursued only on foot. It is also prohibited to shoot from a car. Failure to comply with this rule is considered a severe violation, for which the hunter faces a hefty fine, as well as the cancellation of the license and permit to hunt in Zimbabwe.
  5. Animals may only be shot if they are located in the hunting area where the safari is being held. As soon as representatives of the fauna enter the neighboring territory, hunting for them becomes prohibited. In addition, it should be remembered that you can shoot at animals only at a distance of more than 50 meters from the vehicle.
  6. Special rules apply in areas where water bodies are present. In these cases, hunters are prohibited from killing animals that have come to the watering place. A similar ban applies within a radius of 400 meters around the reservoir.
  7. In most cases, it is forbidden to use other animals during hunting (e.g., dogs, birds of prey). The exceptions are those situations where the hunter obtained special permission from the regulatory authorities. Doing this is as difficult as possible, so most travelers prefer to hunt alone or with like-minded people.
  8. When hunting for some animals (for example, leopard, elephant, lion), a representative of one of the controlling bodies must be present. He will act as an observer and monitor compliance with all existing laws. Hunting without an authorized person will be considered illegal and lead to serious trouble.

What do you need to enter Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe is a unique country where the hunting season lasts 12 months a year. The best time for a safari is from early summer to mid-autumn. During these months, the weather is most favorable, and animal activity is at its maximum. However, to enter the territory of Zimbabwe, it is necessary to collect several documents and provide data on the state of health.

Documents required for hunters in Zimbabwe:

  1. Identity card. In Zimbabwe, you can only enter with a passport, like in any other country. It will have to be presented repeatedly, so it is essential to keep it with you, not put it in your bag or backpack. A passport must be valid for six months or more. It must also contain at least three blank pages.
  2. Declaration of currency. This document is required to visit Zimbabwe. It is filled in to prevent illegal import/export of currency. When entering the country, travelers will immediately be provided with a document form, where they need to indicate the amount of money they are importing. After that, the regulatory authorities will issue a copy to the hunter, which must be presented when leaving Zimbabwe.
  3. Return ticket. It is necessary for everyone who enters the territory of Zimbabwe. Its presence will prove the desire of the hunter to leave the country after the end of the trip and not remain in it as an illegal resident.
  4. Visa. Residents require this document in most countries in the world. You can get it at the time of arrival in the country or before the start of the journey. The second option is a priority, as it will save much time at the airport. To apply for a visa, contact the Department of Immigration. This can be done through the official website of the department.
  5. Health certificates. The main document in this list is the certificate of vaccination against COVID-19. An alternative could be a negative coronavirus test done no later than three days before arrival in Zimbabwe or a 2-week quarantine. Among other documents, you will need a vaccination certificate against cholera, hepatitis, malaria, typhoid fever, and yellow fever. The list constantly changes, so before leaving, you must study the current list of required certificates.

Hunting Spots in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, day and night hunting are the main attraction for travelers. That is why there are many hunting grounds in every region of the country where you can legally shoot animals of different species. The most popular option is national parks, where the administration, with the help of hunters, controls the population of all representatives of the fauna. Based on the data obtained from the research, each national park announces a quota for killing each animal species. After that, applications are accepted from hunters from all over the world.

The second most popular hunting ground is controlled hunting grounds. Almost all the same rules apply here as in national parks. The only difference is that the controller of the legality of the hunter's actions is not the administration but the state. In such places, there is also a quota for shooting animals, so it is far from always possible to go in search of a representative of the fauna of interest.

The most attractive option for hunters who do not like strict restrictions is territories belonging to specific local communities and tribes. Here, the rules for shooting animals are set by district councils or owners of hunting grounds. However, in most cases, they listen to the state's recommendations and receive reasonable financial compensation for compliance with the quotas for shooting animals. In such places, daytime and night hunting is almost always allowed. Its lovers can use dozens of night vision devices to increase the chances of catching a trophy in the dark. Another essential feature of communal and tribal areas is the ability to use night vision devices around the clock. Thanks to this, hunters do not need to look at the clock and wait for the legal time for night hunting.

If the hunter is unsatisfied with any of the above options and wants the maximum possible freedom of action, then private lands should be chosen as a hunting place. Most often, the laws of Zimbabwe only apply in these places, and the territory owners set the rules and quotas. The restrictions are often minimal so that hunters can use any weapon and additional equipment. Private lands will be an ideal place to test night vision devices. Here they can be safely used without fear of any negative consequences. It is also essential to know that when ordering a hunt in such places, there is a high probability of falling for scammers. In this case, punishing the perpetrators and returning the money spent will be almost impossible. In addition, in some European countries and the United States, hunters are prohibited from bringing home trophies obtained during hunting on private lands.

Choice of weapons and ammunition

In Zimbabwe, foreigners cannot purchase the firearms and ammunition needed to hunt various animals. Therefore, you will have to take everything you need with you. Before you pack your bags, you must learn the essential features of weapons and ammunition. This will help avoid problems upon arrival at your destination.

Key features:

  1. Transportation. Not all airlines undertake the transport of weapons and ammunition. Therefore, you need to find a carrier in advance who will agree to take such cargo on board. In all cases, suitable airlines will present their requirements for a passenger with a weapon, which must be 100% fulfilled.
  2. Documents for weapons. Naturally, the hunter needs to have a record with him, allowing him to own one or another weapon. In addition to him, after arriving in Zimbabwe, you need to obtain a temporary permit to import such cargo. It is issued free of charge but requires the weapon owner to familiarize himself with the rules in force in the country for its use.
  3. Restrictions on ammunition. You can import an unlimited number of weapons into Zimbabwe. However, carrying more than 100 rounds of ammo for each gun you own is legally forbidden. If the scheduled event lasts 1-2 weeks, then in most cases, this amount of ammunition will be enough. This limitation is problematic for many hunters who plan to do what they love for several months.
  4. Prohibited weapons. In Zimbabwe, you cannot hunt with certain types of firearms. These include pistols, as well as fully automatic rifles. It is also not recommended to use modern-type semi-automatic shotguns. In some cases, hunters manage to obtain permission to import such weapons. However, all the bureaucratic procedures will have to spend much time.

Considering all the restrictions and features of potential prey in Zimbabwe, you can list the best weapons for each type of animal. It is based on the preferences of most hunters who come on safari.

Optimal rifles for each specific case:

  • class A animals (buffalo, hippopotamus, elephant) - over 9.2 mm caliber in diameter;
  • class B animals (giraffe, lion, some ungulates) - more than 7.0 mm caliber in diameter;
  • class C animals (leopard, antelope, zebra, crocodile) - more than 7.0 mm caliber in diameter;
  • class D animals (impala, warthog, jackal, birds of prey) - over 5.6 mm caliber in diameter.

Hunters who prefer bows and arrows are also welcome in Zimbabwe. In this case, certain restrictions prohibit the use of specific models of weapons. So hunting without prohibitions is possible only with compound bows. All other options require obtaining special permission from the administration or owners of hunting grounds. It is issued long before the trip and requires significant financial costs. Among other restrictions is a ban on hunting with a bow for thick-skinned animals (crocodiles, elephants, hippopotami, and others).

The optimal bow for each specific occasion:

  • class A animals - 80 ft/lbs kinetic energy models with 700-grain arrows (1 grain = 0.0648 grams);
  • class B animals - 77 ft/lbs kinetic energy models with 695-grain hands;
  • class C animals - 70 ft/lbs kinetic energy models with 618-grain arrows;
  • class D animals - 56 ft/lbs kinetic energy models with 618-grain hands.

Selection of night vision devices

Various types of wild pigs, as well as representatives of the cat family, are nocturnal. Because of this, the probability of shooting such a trophy during the day becomes close to zero. However, with the onset of twilight, the situation changes, and the chance of success becomes much higher. In this regard, hunting some animals in Zimbabwe at night is preferable. To do this, you should choose suitable lands where night hunting is not prohibited. You also need to carefully select night vision devices, without which finding animals in the dark will be almost impossible.

Night vision devices to take with you when hunting in Zimbabwe:

  1. NV monocular. Such a device will become an indispensable assistant during a night safari. With its help, it will be possible to detect the animal of interest, being at a great distance from it. You can search and observe various individuals, even from a car. The laws of Zimbabwe do not prohibit it. However, to shoot an animal, you must move 50 meters or more from the vehicle. Also, the NV monocular will make it possible to navigate the territory of the hunting grounds, where there are no lanterns, searchlights, or other artificial light sources. An essential feature of such a monocular is its compactness. Thanks to this, it does not make the backpack much heavier but brings significant benefits to the night hunter. The lightest model with an increased range will be optimal among the many monoculars. Also, it will be manageable to have a wide viewing angle.
  2. NV binoculars. This night optic is an alternative to the monocular. It differs from it in improved performance (in most cases) and the ability to comfortably observe the surrounding area with both eyes. On a night safari, binoculars can perform the same functions as monoculars. The rules for using these devices are the same so that no hunter will have any particular difficulties with them. NV binoculars for night safari should have an improved viewing angle and increased range. This will enable the user to explore the vast African territory for a potential trophy.
  3. NV glasses. Using NV goggles for the most comfortable night hunting in Zimbabwe would be best. These devices will make it possible to free hands in which to hold weapons prepared for firing. All glasses suitable for safari must be resistant to sudden changes in temperature (nights in Zimbabwe are much colder than during the day), reliable, durable, and easy to use. Among the characteristics, the need for a maximum range is highlighted.
  4. NV scope. Hunting with such optics for wild animals in Zimbabwe is only allowed in some places. Therefore, before using the device, you need to study the rules in force on specific hunting grounds carefully. NV scopes are considered the most helpful night optics. They make it possible to simultaneously track prey and aim at it to make a shot. It would be best to choose the sights most adapted to the existing weapon from the many available models. It is also essential that the optics have a well-defined reticle. This will avoid misses and waste of scarce cartridges (it is allowed to import 100 pieces per weapon).

Equipment selection

Hunting in Zimbabwe is an extreme test for which you must be 100% ready. This can be achieved by carefully selecting weapons, ammunition, night vision devices, and equipment. The correct choice of the latter is an essential factor in the success of a day and night safari.

Essential items of equipment:

  1. Clothes. The weather in Zimbabwe is changeable, so you must prepare in advance for its surprises. To do this, you should take clothes for various temperature conditions on a trip. The best option would be to wear tight pants and a long-sleeved shirt (always made of durable material). They will save the hunter from various troubles encountered on the way (for example, from the bites of small snakes, scorpions, and other insects). A baseball cap or a wide-brimmed hat is suitable to protect your head from the sun's direct rays. Complementing your wardrobe with a windbreaker and a sweater for night hunting would be best. They will defend the safari lover from the nighttime temperature changes in Zimbabwe.
  2. Shoes. For comfortable hunting in Zimbabwe, you need to choose the right shoes. Light shoes made from natural materials that allow air to pass well are suitable for daylight hours when the air temperature rises to the highest possible levels. It will protect the legs from cool weather and thousands of bloodsucking insects that want to attack the hunter. It must be closed so that no insects can reach the feet of the hunter. Also, the absence of open areas will help to avoid injuries from an accidental impact on a stone or a branch lying on the ground. For night hunting, you should choose high and slightly insulated shoes. In addition to the primary pair of shoes, a safari lover should have spare boots. They can be used in the camp or other lodging places for the night.
  3. Medicines. They are as important a piece of equipment as shoes or clothing. This is because, in Zimbabwe, quality medical care can only be obtained in large cities, hundreds of kilometers from the hunting ground. Because of this, all health problems will have to be treated on their own or with the help of safari colleagues. To help each other, you need to have antiseptics, antipyretics, malaria pills, and gastrointestinal tract problems in the first-aid kit. Also, a bactericidal patch, repellents, and vitamin complexes will not be superfluous. If the hunter has chronic diseases, then it is necessary to supplement the first-aid kit with appropriate medicines.
  4. Accessories. This category of hunter's equipment includes everything that can be useful in Zimbabwe. This includes a flashlight, satellite phone, matches, plastic bags, paper and pencils, sunglasses, hygiene products, and more. When compiling a list of accessories, it is essential to think through each step and take the minimum necessary items with you.

Popular objects of hunting

Zimbabwe is a country with hundreds of animal species. Most of them become the object of hunting. The exceptions are rare and endangered species that are under the protection of environmental organizations. To not shoot such an animal, it is essential to study the available options in advance and choose the most suitable ones.

Animals that are allowed to be hunted in Zimbabwe:

  • leopard;
  • zebra;
  • giraffe;
  • elephant;
  • a lion;
  • Stenbock antelope
  • antelope Eland;
  • Kudu antelope;
  • Wildebeest;
  • Cessebe antelope
  • crested antelope (duiker);
  • impala;
  • bushbuck;
  • buffalo;
  • hippopotamus;
  • crocodile;
  • hyena;
  • warthog;
  • bushvin;
  • porcupine;
  • monkey;
  • sable;
  • badger;
  • predator birds.

Export of trophies

Professional hunters from different continents come to Zimbabwe to get a unique trophy. Most often, it becomes the pearl of the collection and is the pride of its owner. However, taking a dead animal from Africa to its homeland is more challenging than it seems. Zimbabwe has strict regulations that a hunter can only export his trophy if a few conditions are met. Their list depends on the type of animal killed and the country where the safari lover is a citizen.

Citizens of countries that have signed the CITES agreement can quickly obtain permission to export a trophy from Zimbabwe. It makes it possible to export such large animals as elephants or lions freely. Only a few countries have signed such an agreement, so most hunters from Europe, Australia, and the United States will face serious problems. You must apply for a CITES I or CITES II to permit yourself to solve them. It is better to do this before the start of the safari, as the whole procedure takes much time. After receiving the paper, exporting the trophy should be fine.

The most significant difficulties await hunters from the United States. In connection with the adoption in 2014 of the law on the suspension of the import of trophies of certain species of animals, export is allowed only if an individual application is approved. A hunter supplies it to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Most of these applications will be rejected, but there is still a chance to complete the procedure.

Popular hunting tours in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is ideal for hunting tours. On the territory of this country, you can shoot all the representatives of the big five and a vast number of other species of animals. Most safari lovers book tours from official operators who cooperate with the authorities and the administration of national parks in Zimbabwe. This option makes it possible to legally hunt without causing significant harm to the animal population. In addition, it allows you to simplify the procedure for exporting trophies to your homeland.

The international airport in Johannesburg (South Africa) is a transshipment point. The planes of many famous airlines, carrying passengers from around the world, land here. From Johannesburg, a flight is made to Harare or Bulawayo International Airport. Almost all hunting tours include a multi-stage getaway and a car/bus trip to the venue. They often accept safari lovers, so the system for checking and registering such passengers is debugged to automatism. Then, by car or bus, the hunters get to the place of the safari.

Popular hunting tours for lovers of day and night safari:

  1. Big five hunting. This hunting tour is the most popular among safari lovers. It makes it possible for 24 days of stay in Zimbabwe to shoot representatives of the big five (lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, antelope). This tour can be booked for any month. However, the most favorable time for hunting is summer. The cost of such a safari is 50-60 thousand dollars. This price includes dozens of services, advice from a professional hunter, transportation costs, food, and accommodation. In addition, you will have to pay only for processing trophies and tax costs. There are few offers to participate in such a tour, so you must book it many months before the trip.
  2. 7-Day Non-trophy Elephant Package. This 7-day hunting tour is one of the most sought-after by safari lovers. It allows you to shoot a non-trophy elephant and have a good time in Zimbabwe. This tour is available all year round. However, its organizers recommend a period from early spring to mid-autumn. The cost depends on the number of additional services ordered (for example, renting weapons, buying other cartridges, etc.) and varies between 9-11 thousand dollars. This price includes 7-day accommodation in a local camp, meals, escort services (professional hunter), transportation costs (arrival to the hunting place), primary processing of the trophy, and many other minor services. The tour is in the Hwange National Park, south of Victoria Falls.
  3. Let's Hunt some Hyenas. This hunting tour suits those who want to experience new emotions and shoot a cunning animal like a hyena. The hunting season for it is open from early February to mid-December. The best time for a safari is from May to November. The cost of the tour is calculated individually for each customer. It varies from 6 to 8 thousand dollars. This price includes accommodation, meals, travel, primary processing of trophies, and support by a professional hunter. Also, the customer will be provided with complimentary soft and alcoholic drinks. Additional costs will be small. These include various taxes and the cost of baiting the animal and tipping the attendants. Due to the many applicants and limited quotas for shooting hyenas, you must book a tour a few weeks in advance.
  4. Leopard Hunt with Dogs. This unique hunting tour allows you to hunt a leopard with dogs. This is a complex and rare type of hunting; therefore, for its implementation, it is necessary to obtain permission from the administration of the national park and local environmental organizations. The tour can be booked several months in advance. The best time for it will be the period from spring to autumn. The cost of the tour is 32-35 thousand dollars. This is quite a lot compared to other offers, but you always have to overpay for uniqueness. The price includes food, accommodation, services of a professional hunter, measurement and primary processing of the trophy, and filling out the documentation necessary to obtain a permit for such a hunt. Naturally, the organizer also provides the hunter with dogs. In addition, you will have to pay only for the rental of weapons, ammunition, insurance, and various taxes. The tour is held in the Hwange National Park and lasts ten days.
  5. 14-Day Leopard Safari. This hunting tour is in demand among safari lovers. It gives hunters two weeks of unforgettable adventures with a high probability of getting a valuable trophy. You can book such a tour for the period from February to mid-December. However, the optimal time for hunting is the end of spring, summer, and the beginning of autumn. The cost of the tour is 10-11 thousand dollars. For this money, a safari lover can stay, eat, and be accompanied by a professional hunter. The price includes dozens of additional services that make your stay in Zimbabwe as comfortable as possible. Of the unaccounted-for costs, only tax fees and payment for processing documents for exporting a trophy abroad should be singled out.
  6. 14-Day Elephant & Plains Game Package. You can enjoy the plains of Zimbabwe and shoot an elephant by booking this tour. Its duration is 14 days, during which the hunter will experience all the delights of the African safari. Applications for participation in the time are accepted throughout the year. However, the event is most likely to be completed between the beginning of February and the end of October. The cost of hunting varies from 17 to 20 thousand dollars. The price includes accommodation, meals, registration of a hunting license, tax fees, and primary processing of the trophy. Also, if you wish, you can pay a little extra and, in parallel, hunt other animals in Zimbabwe.

Night and day hunting in Africa is a truly extreme activity that gives unforgettable emotions to each participant. To hunt in Zimbabwe and other countries, you need to thoroughly know the local laws and the current rules for this process. In this case, avoiding various troubles and taking the extracted trophies home without any problems will be possible.

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