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Jun 14, 2023 | 08:12 pm 1675 0

Africa - the dream of each hunter.

Africa - the dream of each hunter.

Any hunter will only be considered a true professional with an African trophy. This continent attracts attention not only with its variety of animals but also with the opportunity to plunge into the world of wildlife. Almost all types of day and night hunting are allowed here, so that travelers will have many options. When choosing a country to host such an event, you must be guided by many criteria for evaluating candidates. At the same time, it is still recommended to give preference to the representatives of the top 10, where hunting will become the most unforgettable adventure in life for everyone.

Where is the best place to hunt?

Africa is a vast continent on the territory of more than 50 independent states. All of them are interesting from a tourist's point of view, but only some are suitable for hunting. The best place for most indicators (availability of hunting, conditions, diversity of animals, etc.) is the southern part of Africa. Here you can meet almost all prominent representatives of the fauna, which can become an excellent hunter's trophy. You can also conduct a safari in the central part of the continent.

According to most hunters, the most interesting is a safari in the flat areas. They occupy most of Africa, so finding a suitable place will be fine. The absence of natural barriers lets you quickly track down the animal of interest. At the same time, it will be quite challenging to approach him at a distance of a shot. This is the main interest of the lowland safari. An alternative to it may be hunting in the tropical forests of Africa. Here you can not only do what you love but also explore the unique flora and fauna of the continent.

Top 10 African countries for hunting


This state in southern Africa is one of the best places for hunters. Dozens of species of large animals live on its territory, which can replenish the collection of trophies of any professional. Most of the fauna live in the Okavango Delta, as well as in the Kalahari Desert. These areas are a magnet for hunters from all over the world.

Since 2013, Botswana has banned hunting on public and government lands. In this regard, the trophy should be sent to the territories belonging to certain persons (private property). It allows the use of different types of hunting, including night hunting. The latter is one of the leaders in popularity among travelers, as it makes it possible to use any night vision device. They will help to track down the prey and make an accurate shot. Among other types of hunting in Botswana, the most popular is the classic car safari. Also, everyone can track from the water (for example, using a local variety of canoes).

Popular hunting species in Botswana:

  • zebra;
  • water goat;
  • impala;
  • leopard;
  • elephant;
  • kudu;
  • wildebeest;
  • warthog.


This country in the southwest of the African continent is known not only for its Namib desert and access to the Atlantic Ocean but also for hunting. This occupation is one of the primary sources of income here, so the local authorities strictly regulate the whole process. Such attention and the right approach to business have made it possible to significantly increase the population of wild animals and give hunters more trophy quotas.

Namibia is also attractive for its prices. They are lower than in many other African countries, essential for travelers with limited financial resources. Most of the territory is flat. This makes Namibia an ideal place for beginners, as it is enough to have good optics with you to track down prey. The latter will also be needed in case of hunting at night. This process has its characteristics, so it gives a lot of unforgettable emotions. The best place for hunting in Namibia is the outskirts of the Namib Desert. Most of them belong to the national park territory, so you can shoot animals only after receiving a quota and special permission from local authorities. If you manage to get them, then unforgettable emotions are guaranteed to every traveler.

Popular hunting species in Namibia:

  • kudu;
  • zebra;
  • wildebeest;
  • oryx;
  • caracal;
  • brown hyena;
  • cheetah;
  • baboon.


The country of Mozambique is located in southeastern Africa. It is a favorite place for many hunters. In addition to the opportunity to get a fantastic trophy, travelers are attracted by the beauty of the local nature and the chance to find themselves on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Mozambique experienced numerous military conflicts for a long time, so traveling to this country was out of the question. However, after normalizing the situation, this area has become ideal for hunters with different experiences.

Dozens of types of hunting are available in Mozambique. Among them, there is also a night one, where everyone can track down an animal of interest with the help of their NVDs and get the coveted trophy. Prices here vary widely so everyone can find a suitable option for themselves. The fauna of Mozambique is rich and varied. There are dozens of species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Most of them can become the object of hunting.

Popular hunting species in Mozambique:

  • black antelope;
  • kudu;
  • water goat;
  • nyala;
  • buffalo;
  • crocodile;
  • hippopotamus;
  • Leopard.

Republic of South Africa

Experts consider the southernmost country in Africa to be the most attractive for hunting. There is everything necessary for holding this event, considering each hunter's individual wishes. Exceptional hunting grounds are set aside for shooting animals in South Africa. There are many of them in the country, so that everyone will find a suitable option. Most often, travelers hunt in places located along the ocean. Many living creatures live here, the shooting of which is permitted by law.

There are many different types of hunting available in South Africa. During the day, you can go on a classic safari and try to get any inhabitant of the plains. For this, all conditions have been created here, from renting any weapon to the services of a hunter guide. After sunset, you can hunt animals leading a nocturnal lifestyle. To do this, you will need various NVDs you can bring with you or rent for a small fee. In general, hunting prices in South Africa are varied. Among the proposals are expensive and cheap options that will satisfy every traveler.

Popular hunting species in South Africa:

  • impala;
  • wildebeest;
  • zebra;
  • warthog;
  • wild pigeon;
  • baboon;
  • giraffe;
  • springbok.


A unique country in East Africa is known for its wild nature. One of the most famous national parks (Serengeti) is located on its territory, attracting travelers, naturalists, and adventurers. Stay within Tanzania and hunters. For them, this country is a natural paradise where you can get many trophies. Most places intended for hunting are located in the southern part of the state. Many species of large animals and birds are of interest to safari lovers.

Tanzania is actively developing such a tourist destination as sport hunting. Thanks to this, the most comfortable conditions for doing what they love are created for all visitors. In addition to hunting, everyone is offered many additional services to maximize the trip's impression. In some places, night hunting is also allowed. You can use various night optics during it, but you need to get a special permit for this. The only drawback of Tanzania, many call it high prices. The increase in costs is fully paid off by the high level of comfort and pleasure received from hunting various representatives of the local fauna.

Popular hunting species in Tanzania:

  • buffalo;
  • hyena;
  • wildebeest;
  • water goat;
  • warthog;
  • bush pig;
  • bushbuck;
  • duiker.


One of the brightest countries in East Africa is Uganda. It is famous for its endless hunting grounds, which safari lovers have used for decades. After the end of the civil war, Uganda began to develop sport hunting actively. To do this, experts explore the corners of the country remote from civilization, determining the list of species that can be hunted. This process proceeds rather slowly, but there is no doubt about its successful completion.

Today, Uganda is not the leader in the number of visiting hunters. Therefore, to attract the attention of safari lovers, local authorities have removed most restrictions on shooting animals. Thanks to this, various types of day and night hunting became available, as well as the possibility of using modern equipment (for example, night vision devices) to achieve the goal. The best places to look for animals of interest are the flatlands of Uganda. Many ungulates live here, which often become the main trophies of local hunters.

Popular hunting species in Uganda:

  • buffalo;
  • sitatunga;
  • marsh goat;
  • bushbuck;
  • springbok;
  • hyena;
  • crocodile;
  • giraffe.


The state in southern Africa has been considered an excellent place for hunting for many years. Because of this, conscientious hunters and poachers often come here. The latter caused enormous damage to local animal species, so safaris on state-owned lands have been banned since 2013. However, there are many private estates in Zambia where everyone can try to get a trophy.

The best place to look for wild animals is the Luangwa Valley. This excellent piece of wildlife is home to dozens of species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. This place is also home to the most prominent representatives of the cat family on the planet. All of the above makes Zambia the dream of any hunter. To do what you love, you need a suitable private property that provides the opportunity to hunt. It is challenging to do this since many offers are fictitious and created solely to deceive safari lovers. However, if you find a conscientious owner of the hunting grounds, then unforgettable emotions are guaranteed to every hunter. You can independently choose weapons, time of day, day and night optics in such places. All this maximizes the possibilities of the hunter and makes the event truly interesting.

Popular hunting species in Zambia:

  • sitatunga;
  • sassaby;
  • buffalo;
  • leopard;
  • elephant;
  • a lion;
  • black lychee;
  • roan.


Zimbabwe is considered by many to be the heart of the southern part of the African continent. The territory of this country is created for safari. It has everything you need for a great time, from the diversity of the landscape to the vast selection of animals. Local authorities treat wildlife respectfully and try their best to protect it. Because of this, the country has a system of quotas, having received which the hunter has the legal right to get this or that trophy.

Professionals prefer to hunt in the Zambezi Valley. This place is home to a vast number of small games, as well as prominent representatives of the big five. There are many other animals in Zimbabwe, so the hunter will have plenty to choose from.

Only classical hunting methods are allowed in the territories protected by the state. However, on private estates, all restrictions are removed so hunters can choose weapons, ammunition, night vision devices, and other valuable devices.

Popular hunting species in Zimbabwe:

  • buffalo;
  • a lion;
  • hippopotamus;
  • crocodile;
  • zebra;
  • hyena;
  • giraffe;
  • elephant.


Kenya is a country on the east coast of Africa. The famous Serengeti National Park is on its territory, which is replete with different types of wild animals. Here they are under protection, and it is forbidden to hunt them. However, this place is one of many in Kenya where animals are found. According to professional hunters, the Maasai Mara national reserve is among the many options. This area is ideal for various types of safari. However, hunting requires a special permit.

In Kenya, exclusively legal hunting methods are welcome. Any illegal actions against wildlife are quickly suppressed, and violators will face severe punishment. The priority option here is daytime hunting. However, in some cases, obtaining permission to shoot animals in the dark is possible. An alternative to such places will be private hunting grounds in any African country. On their territory, the rules of hunting are set by the owners, so there is a high probability that the safari enthusiast will be allowed to use different types of weapons and ammunition and day or night optics.

Popular hunting species in Kenya:

  • hippopotamus;
  • zebra;
  • giraffe;
  • warthog;
  • ostrich;
  • buffalo;
  • wildebeest;
  • Thomson's gazelle.


Cameroon is located in the central part of the African continent. It is interesting in that it differs from its neighbors in its various relief, as well as the presence of several unique ecosystems. This feature creates ideal conditions for the prosperity of multiple representatives of the fauna. Each region of Cameroon is home to certain types of animals. Environmental organizations protect some of them, so killing them is strictly prohibited.

To hunt in Cameroon, you need to get a special license. Obtaining such a document is relatively easy. It is issued in several versions, depending on the type of animal that the hunter wants to shoot. However, you need to spend time and deposit a certain amount. Hunting will be illegal without a license, and there is a high probability of receiving a hefty fine for such actions.

The best hunting grounds in Kenya are the southern regions. Tropical forests grow here, where many mammals live. The northern part of the country will also be of interest to hunters. Dozens of species of ungulates live in this flat area, and several representatives of the big five.

Popular hunting species in Cameroon:

  • buffalo;
  • duiker;
  • water goat;
  • pushback;
  • elephant;
  • bongos;
  • iland;
  • western cobb.

Hunting in Africa is a unique experience that every self-respecting hunter should have. One of the top 10 countries will be the best event venue. On their territory, you can use different types of hunting and experiment with weapons. This expands the possibilities of the hunter and allows you to get the desired trophy. The latter will be an excellent addition to the unforgettable adventure that Africa will give to every traveler.

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