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Author: Brian Hebert

Great for Short Range Hunting

  • Review Add on: 07/06/2022
  • Average Rating:

I've had the TS19-256 for a few months now, and love this optics for short range hunting at night! I've moved it back and forth between a few different rifles and the American Defense mounts truly holds the zero.

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Author: Robert sanders

Great scope

  • Review Add on: 23/04/2022
  • Average Rating:

Just purchased ts 19-256 for scanning and buddy scope . For the price you can't beat it. I used a atn Thor 4 for 3.5 yrs. Replaced it with ts25-384 out performed and so much simpler to use. So I traded the Thor for the ts19. I'm a 100yd hunter but can see 700yds .in a couple spots. Great optics Great prices if on a budget.

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