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Author: Ron Nash

Thermal Scope

  • Review Add on: 28/01/2023
  • Average Rating:

First time going with Thermal. Tried the ATN LT, image just wasn't clear. The difference between 160 resolution vs 256 resolution is worth the small additional cost. My only complaint is with customer service. I have a question with Firmware I need answered. Sent them an email from this web site a week ago with no response. Called and left a message 3 days ago and still no response. Must be the Holiday season....can't go wrong with AGM...

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Author: Neal Watt

First time buyer

  • Review Add on: 12/06/2022
  • Average Rating:

As a first-time buyer, I am very pleased with the performance. I found that being a rookie at this type of technology, U-TUBE came to be very helpful. Thank you Pigman for your use and recommendation of AGM products.

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