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Author: Mike W

Fantastic Thermal Monocular!

  • Review Add on: 27/02/2024
  • Average Rating:

Purchased this the same time I got a Rattler v2 as it's the best method for varmint and critter hunting. This monocular is great for spotting game hundreds of yards away. The digital zoom is great, maybe consider going with a higher base magnification depending on the areas you'll be hunting. I've used this indoors too to look at radiant flooring, where air/heat might be escaping or entering in the house and other odd uses. But in terms of hunting and being in the outdoors this device is leaps and bounds above using a red light for varmints. You can't go wrong with using this monocular out in the field. Sure, it's not as crystal clear as others that AGM makes but is more than capable of getting the job done. Now, pair it with one of AGM's great thermal scopes and you have yourself a lethal combo that mr. coyote or mr. fox won't be able to compete with.

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Author: Angel

Love it!

  • Review Add on: 24/04/2022
  • Average Rating:

I am amateur astronomer and astro photographer and some weekends I go to observation night with my local astronomy club. That mean we are going away of light pollution city lights with a big group of person and the AGM thermal performs pretty well where you can’t even see your hands, so this device is the perfect tool for those kind of activities. I just saw a small mice walking at a distance of around 100 meters away without problem. I love the menu setting navigation and even better after the last update. This device now go with me when hiking/camping and astronomy observation nights. Love it and 100% recommended and gave 5 stars hands down!

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