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Hunting in South Africa. Features of stay and hunting in South Africa. A selection of weapons, ammo, and NVDs for day and night hunting. The best places to shoot animals and the most popular species of fauna. Processing and export of trophies outside of South…

Jul 03, 2023 | 11:49 am

How to evaluate the success of a hunter. Methods for assessing the activities of hunters and their key features. A brief description of status-hunting organizations, their purpose, and activities in different countries. Prestigious awards are given to the best…

Jun 14, 2023 | 08:41 pm

The most valuable hunting trophies. Methods for determining the value of an award in antiquity and in our time. Essential evaluation criteria and the most famous trophy animals. Hunting trophies that are valued worldwide, their description, and extraction…

Jun 14, 2023 | 08:33 pm

Africa - the dream of each hunter. Features of hunting in Africa and the best places for it. Top 10 countries where you can track different animals. A brief description of the available species and essential nuances of the…

Jun 14, 2023 | 08:12 pm

Why are there cheap night vision devices, and what is their danger? The main reasons for purchasing inexpensive NVDs. Key factors affecting the cost of manufactured devices. The threat of using budget models of…

May 09, 2023 | 06:37 pm